The WNYVA is seeking qualified companies to present their investment opportunity at future WNYVA forums. Presenters make a 10-15 minute presentation (click here for our suggested presentation outline) followed by 5-10 minutes of questions from the audience.
Your objective as a presenter is to make some initial contacts and to interest potential investors to the degree that they want to learn more through a follow-up meeting or by reading your business plan.
1. All potential presenters must submit a complete business plan to WNYVA. The plan can be emailed as a PDF or Word Document using the Business Plan Submission form on this website or through the Buffalo Angels site. Questions about the program can be submitted via our contact page.
2. The WNYVA's selection committee reviews the business plans and chooses two that it believes will be of most interest to the audience at the next WNYVA forum.
3. One to two weeks before the date of the venture forum, the companies that are chosen to present make a practice presentation before the WNYVA's coaching committee. The presenters receive feedback from the committee to help them refine their presentation.
4. It is the presenter's responsibility to follow up with any potential investors that express interest after seeing the presentation. Based on interest from Buffalo Angels members, the presenter may be invited to a more detailed follow-up presentation at a private Buffalo Angel's meeting.
The WNYVA does not independently verify the information presented and makes no representations or warranties as to the presenters, the information presented, or any written materials, the merits, risks or suitability of any investment proposed.