Esensors was established in 2000 with the aim of developing, manufacturing and marketing a series of digital sensors with network capabilities. The company is led by Dr. Darold Wobschall, a retired faculty member from the University at Buffalo Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Esensors maintains a close relationship with the University at Buffalo and engineers in the area and has access to a high level of electronic engineering expertise.
The company's initial networked sensor, the HVAC websensor, has been well received by the sensor market and its networked gas monitors, supported by the Dept. of Homeland Security, are nearly ready for market introduction. Recently introduced wireless sensors have also attracted customer interest at trade shows. Sales of the company's websensor have increased steadily since its introduction two years ago.
Esensors is making a stock offering of $900,000 to finance the expanded manufacturing and marketing of its existing networked sensor products and to introduce new products including the gas monitor, wireless sensors and energy conservation controls. The funding is sought in two phases over 18 months.